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Bandon Hill Primary School

Reasons to Attend Bandon Hill

  • We have a high quality academic curriculum tailored for our children. Our Academic Curriculum ensures we support all children to succeed through a knowledge-rich curriculum.
  • We have our own behaviour curriculum as we believe children need to be taught and not told how to behave. Our behaviour curriculum supports children to leave our school having acquired the ability to be safe, be ready and be kind.
  • Dedicated staff in the Bandon Hill family committed to provide the very best education.
  • We have disruption-free classrooms.
  • Breakfast club runs from 7.30am each morning, and after school club runs until 6.00pm daily.
  • love of reading with opportunities to read across the curriculum.
  • Targeted interventions for children who require additional support.
  • An extensive after-school sports extra-curricular programme.
  • All children learn a range of instruments in KS2.
  • A newly refurbished, welcoming and nurturing building and playgrounds.
  • Excellent behaviour is rewarded.
  • Public praise for children who go ‘above and beyond’.
  • Regular home learning (self-quizzing, spelling and reading).
  • Strong pastoral support in our 'Nurture' and the 'ELSA' provision.
  • residential trip is offered for all year groups in Years 4 and 6.
  • An extensive range of educational visits for all year groups, visitors and opportunities for children.
  • Excellent facilities and extensive grounds.
  • Limitless aspirations for all, irrespective of SEND, prior attainment and background.

If you haven't visited Bandon Hill for a while, if you want to meet the new leadership team or if you just want to see the improved changes for yourself, please come and see us!

We don't need to hold an open day to show off..... Bandon Hill is the show!

Book an appointment by messaging us on any of our social media platforms or by emailing or calling: 02086475377.